Cinematics: The Movie Guide for Android (a TMDb client): The fastest, easiest way to find and discover movies, actors and shows on your device. Includes The Movie Database (TMDb), IMDb, Metacritic, and Rotten Tomatoes ratings and reviews!
- Movie Ratings from all the major sites
- TV Show Ratings from all the major sites
- Connect to TMDb and manage your favorite movies and tv shows, add to your watchlist, and rate movies and tv shows
- Quickly search movies using the following categories: Now Playing, Top Box Office, Upcoming, Popular, Top-Rated, New DVDs, Upcoming DVDs, Top-Rentals, and IMDb Top 250
- Find detailed information about any movie, including Rotten Tomatoes ratings and reviews, cast, trailers, similar movies and more
- Quickly search shows using the following categories: On the Air, Airing Today, Popular, and Top Rated
- Search for any actor to see their bio, filmography, images and more
- Discover movies by year(s) or by genre with customized sorting
- Receive Release and DVD Release Date Reminder Notifications
Pro Users will enjoy an ad-free experience while enjoying additional benefits such as:
* Advanced Search capabilities
* Reminders of release dates
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Cinematics uses data and images by TMDb licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0:
Cinematics uses the TMDb API but is not endorsed or certified by TMDb:
- 从各大网站电影评分
- 从各大网站的电视节目评级
- 连接到TMDB和管理您最喜爱的电影和电视节目,添加到您的监视列表和速率电影和电视节目
- 采用以下几种快速搜索电影:现在播放,票房冠军,即将来临的,流行的,收视率最高的,新的DVD,DVD的预告,顶级公寓,而IMDB 250强
- 寻找任何电影的详细信息,包括烂番茄评分和评论,演员,预告片,电影相似,更
- 快速搜索显示了使用以下类别:在航空,今天播出,人气,和最受好评
- 搜索任何演员看到自己的生物,片目,图片和更多
- 探索在今年(S)电影或通过定制的排序流派
- 接收发布和DVD发行日期提醒通知
过场动画使用由TMDB数据和图像在CC许可BY-NC 4.0: